Events & Classes

Oct 4th

Mini Yoga Retreat

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Date: Saturday, October 25, 2014

When: 7:00 am – 12:00 pm

Where: Shaw Butte -North Mountain

Cost: $20
What to Bring: Yoga mat, Water, Snacks, and/or a Lunch.

Difficulty: Moderate
Distance Round Trip: 4 miles
Time Round Trip: 4-6 hours
Elevation Change: 800 feet

We will be doing yoga on a concrete foundation left from an early 1960′s elite Phoenix restaurant called “Cloud Nine”. It was burned to the ground and never rebuilt.

We will be meeting at the L.A. Fitness off of Greenfield and US 60 at 7:00 am or trailhead at 8:00am.

Plan for 60-90 minutes to hike up depending how many come and their fitness level.
We will do 45-60 minutes of yoga at the top, snack, and hike back down.

Please R.S.V.P. by Thursday, October 23rd, via email or call 480-510-1203.

Parking is very limited so a headcount is needed.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to enjoy nature, beautiful weather, and do yoga outside with amazing view!